plasma Fibroblast Aftercare

You are likely to see immediate tightening and lifting especially if you have crepey skin.

Please remember it takes a minimum of 12 weeks to see final result though you may still see improvements for up to 6 months.

Face dots shed approximately 4 - 10 days following treatment (average client begins to shed dots on day 5, 6 or 7). Dots on the body often take longer than the face, potentially around 2 weeks. The fresh new skin that is revealed is often pink. This can last a few days or 3 months (rare). Rest assured the pink will fade to reveal your new beautiful complexion.

After the dots shed, the skin may be temporarily tender and peeling or even slightly textured. This is normal and will get smoother each day. It will return to its normal state and continue to tighten over the 3 month healing period. As skin returns to its’ original texture and color, the skin may appear healed, but that is just the beginning as the skin underneath does its work. It takes 4 weeks for collagen and elastin production to BEGIN.

It will take 12 weeks for healing process to cycle through completely and for skin to be refreshed and for healing to complete. The most tightening and lifting happens in weeks 6 -8.

Temporary swelling is normal due to the fact that the area will be recovering from a deliberate controlled wound.  Swelling cannot be avoided and will subside in a matter of days. Ice and antihistamine can minimize swelling. You will be following a dry healing method which means you will do your best to keep treatment area dry until dots naturally fall away.


I provide After-Care products & will go over all products that you are to apply for optimal healing.

  • You may resume most activities immediately after any treatment (with the exception of high intensity cardio- NO SWEATING), but you may not look your best during the healing process. Clients usually have 4 - 10 days of dots (5 - 7 days of dots on average), usually followed by some redness that will gradually diminish. Depending on the area we treat and your desired level of privacy, you may want to minimize in-person appointments until your dots fall off (approximately a week).

  • DO NOT PICK THE DOTS! Removing the scabs prematurely may result in scarring and discoloration. Allow crusts to come off on their own. This will ensure the best possible result and avoid scarring, hyperpigmentation and infection. If you feel the scabs are accidentally being rubbed off prematurely, then protect them by covering them with Aquaphor or other occlusive to prevent them from rubbing off too early: get distance from a pet that wants to kiss your face, use caution around any hazards that are rubbing dots, keep hair pulled back, etc. The longer the scabs stay put, the longer the skin has a chance to heal itself with the protection of the scab.

  • Ice the treated area using a clean dressing as needed. Alternate 10 minutes on and off for up to 1 hour for the first 2 days.

  • Keep the treated area clean using a mild, unscented, alcohol free cleanser and clean hands. Do not use cotton swabs or anything other than clean hands to cleanse face. Pat dry with a clean towel. With the exception of the provided after-care products, please keep you skin dry as too much moisture will encourage the crusts to come off prematurely.

  • For swelling: ice, anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine medicines can also help in the early healing phases.

  • Do not apply makeup (even mineral makeup) until the scabbing has fallen off completely. This is to avoid infection and avoid rubbing crusts off prematurely. If you must use makeup, please always apply with clean hands or clean utensil, and use a pat application rather than rubbing so to not knock off any carbon crusts. Be conscientious of the amount of foundation used, to combat the need to scrub it off at the end of the day when washing. Best practice is to completely avoid use of concealer and foundations makeup unless it's been formulated to aid in healing and you are able to easily wash off.

  • IMPORTANT! Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds to the treated area. Once the scabbing process is complete, always apply broad spectrum SPF 50 or higher to the area for a minimum of 3 months after your last treatment. This skin is still healing and can easily become damaged by any UV rays and may cause hyperpigmentation and/or premature aging.

  • If your scabs become unbearably itchy, then you may safely apply the post treatment product I provide up to three times per day to help manage the itchy sensation. (Again, icing helps mitigate itchiness.)

  • Taking oral collagen, vitamin c and L-lysine supplements over the course of your healing process can give your immune system and collagen production a boost. 

  • NO smoking! This is so important not only for your results but for overall pro-aging benefits as smoking can negate any efforts taken to preserve the skin.

  • Avoid shaving over any area that has been treated until the skin has fully healed.

  • Exercising right after a treatment is not recommended because any heat, steam or sweat can add to inflammation. Do not use any pools, hot tubs or saunas until after the dots have fallen off and your skin returns to a more normal state. Take cool showers.

  • After the dots have fallen off on their own , you may use makeup to cover any redness. If your skin is ready and not too tender, using a gentle enzyme exfoliant such as a pumpkin or papaya enzyme mask can help to create a smoother surface from the peeling that is typical at this stage of healing.

  • Do not use any harsh chemicals or products on your skin (like acids, peels or physical exfoliants) until you have reached the 8 weeks post treatment healing point.

Plasma Fibroblast Accessories & other Products you may need for aftercare:

  • Mild, unscented, alcohol free cleanser (ex-ZAQ Organic Purifying Gel, Cetaphil Gentle Wash for sensitive skin)

  • Wide brimmed hat(s)

  • Large Sunglasses

  • Full face visor with UV protection

  • UV protection face masks

  • Ice packs, ice masks & rollers

  • LED light therapy device


stages of healing…


Before care…