Fibroblast (Plasma Skin Tightening) is not suitable for everyone. If you are considering Plasma Skin Tightening, you should be in good health at the time of the appointment, with no pre-existing health conditions. Ideal candidates for this cosmetic procedure are those with fair to medium skin tones with lax, crepey skin around the eyes, neck, tummy, mouth, or targeted areas. Fibroblast will not effect fat or muscle cells but it will affect skin cells, causing them to sublimate and tighten the targeted area. A good candidate must not be prone to keloid scars, have diabetes, a healing disorder, lymphatic draining issues, history of hyperpigmentation, wear a pacemaker, be pregnant or be breastfeeding (this list is not conclusive on all conditions or ailments that may affect an individuals healing.)

This treatment is only recommended on light-medium dark skin tones (FitzPatrick Scale 1-3 and sometimes 4/5). If you are a number 3/4/5, you may be more prone to hyper-pigmentation, which isn’t necessarily permanent. People with number 3, 4 and 5 complexions are recommended to get a patch test in desired treatment area(s) to see how your skin responds. Anyone with a darker complexion (6) is at risk for hyperpigmentation. Regardless of your FitzPatrick Skin Type or if you are not sure if you are prone to hyperpigmentation, a patch test is recommended for everyone as hyperpigmentation and/or texture can be a risk for everyone.

For FP Skin Types 3- 5 you can prep the skin using Obagi Nuderm Clear Skin Brightening cream (#3). This cream will help suppress the production of melanin in the skin to help pale the skin, optimizing the preparedness of your skin pre-fibroblast.

I want you to get the most out of your treatment so the following tips are very important to maximize your results…

#1 - WEAR SUNSCREEN no matter if you are in an office or outside. Please wear sunscreen at least 2- 4 weeks prior to your treatment. Make sure to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 50, to shield your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. It helps to also wear a wide brim hat and sun glasses if you do plan on being out in the sun. We want the skin at it’s healthiest and in its most natural state, so please avoid sun prior to our fibroblast treatment. If you have a sunburn/suntan, the treatment should be postponed for up to 8 weeks or until tan/burn signs disappear.

#2 - Please remove eyelash extensions prior to your session. Ideally you would remove eyelash extensions a few days prior to our session to allow eye lids to properly heal. Lashes can be reapplied 8 weeks post-treatment.

#3 - Contact lenses must be removed when performing treatment on the upper eyelids.

#4 - Skin should not be inflamed in the area we are treating prior to procedure.

#5 - Refrain from using topical agents that may increase sensitivity of the skin 2 -3 days before treatment. These products include retinoids, physical/ chemical exfoliants and/or exfoliating devices, salicylic washes and toners, products containing AHA and BHA’s, and hydroquinone. Again, potential skin irritants are not limited to this list.

Depending on laxity and desired results, you may need multiple treatments on the same area. Areas may be treated every 3 months to let the collagen heal and turn over. It is not generally recommended to treat the same area more than 3 times in 3 years, but please consult with your practitioner and your doctor to determine safety.


after care…